Tips To Avoid Damage To Your Roof During Maintenance
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and yet it can sometimes be overlooked because it's not something you think about or see every day while you are inside the house. Regular maintenance is key, but that's easier said than done if you don't have a lot of roofing experience. In fact, it might even be possible to do more harm than good while performing maintenance on your roof if you don't know what you are doing. To that end, here are some tips to help you avoid unnecessary roof damage during maintenance or cleaning.
Don't Walk on Your Roof Unless You Have To
Homeowners are often encouraged to visually inspect their roof on a regular basis. But inspecting it does not mean walking on it. You can get a good look at what is going on up there by simply ascending to the top of your ladder and taking a look around. It's fine to physically walk up onto the roof every once in a while or if you need to fix something, but in general, walking back and forth repeatedly should be avoided. This could cause extra wear and tear on your shingles and cause a breakdown sooner than expected.
Be Gentle When Cleaning
Your roof will also require a good washing every once in a while in order to keep it clean and remove any build-up of dirt or dead pests. It's fine to send a water hose up there, but don't use a power washer even though it might seem more efficient and convenient. A power washer sends out water with great force, and that extra force might actually damage your shingles or flashing, creating a situation where a leak can occur. Take a standard water hose up to the top of the ladder with you instead.
Go Easy When Dropping Tools
You might have a habit of letting your hammer or another tool just fall to the ground when you are working on a project. But dropping a tool on your roof in a way that lets it build momentum before it makes an impact is a very bad idea. Stoop over and gently place all heavy tools on the roof if you need to switch to something else. Work on your roof from one side to the other, and take your tools with you as you move. This will limit walking back and forth, and you will also avoid tripping on any tools that you forgot about.
To learn more, contact a resource like Milam Services.