Recommendations To Keep A Well-Maintained Home Roof Through The Years

The protection that your roof supplies to your home is invaluable, and the condition of your roofing shingles and other elements are integral in its being a solid barrier to your home. In addition to the roofing shingles, you need to check out and maintain nearby tree overhang, drainage, and attic ventilation. Here are some helpful recommendations to keep your roof in great shape.

Keep an Eye on Your Shingles

The shingles upon your roof receive the highest amount of exposure to wind, rain, snow, ice, and the sun's rays, making them the first to become damaged through wear. Watch out for signs of damage to your shingles, which you can easily spot most from your yard. When your shingles' edges begin to curl up this indicates they are aging and need replacement. Or if you notice a gap in the shingles on your roof, you know there are one or more that have come loose and need replacement. 

You should also watch for signs of staining on your shingles that can occur from moss and lichen growth. Excessive rain and high humidity in your environment can lead to moss and lichen growth on your roof, which, if left unrepaired will eventually degrade and decompose the shingles, breaking them down. This will eventually result in your shingles losing their waterproof barrier and your home interior will experience moisture saturation.

Maintain the Surrounding Landscaping

The trees surrounding your home can also have an impact on your roof's protection from the elements. If there are trees growing around your home that reach their branches onto your rooftop, they can cause damage. As the wind blows the branches, they rub the surface of your shingles off and pry them up, and also as the trees grow they extend further onto your roof and into your shingles.

Trim back tree branches that extend over your roof, even if they originate from your neighbor's yard. If they are extending over your home you can trim them back because they are a hazard to your home's structure. Not only will doing so prevent damage from the branches, but it will also reduce the amount of leaves that fall on your roof. And when leaves fall on your roof they hold moisture onto your shingles and cause rot to occur. 

Also look at the landscaping around where your rain gutters drain to. Is there adequate coverage on the area to prevent erosion and soil saturation? Extend out the downspout drain line and add a splash block to protect the soil from over-saturation and basement moisture leaks.

If you notice damage to your roof, don't hesitate to reach out to roofing contractors for repair. After all, your roof is vital to keep your home safe. 
