Tips To Help You Prepare For A Roof Installation Service

If you are having a new roof installed, you may think that the only thing you have to plan is the appointment time with the roofers and the type of new roofing material they will use on the roof. However, there are a few steps that you should take ahead of time to help ensure that installation goes as smoothly as possible and is as easy as possible for installers. Here are a few tips you should follow to help you prepare for a roof installation. Read More 

Roofing Upgrades And Heavier Loads: Calculating Loads And Doing Structural Improvements

If you need to replace your roof, you may be considering upgrading the shingles with more durable or efficient materials. The only problem is that a lot of these options weigh a lot more than conventional asphalt shingles, and conventional balloon framing is not usually designed to support these types of roof loads. This does not mean that you cannot replace asphalt shingles with clay or slate tiles and other materials; it just means that some improvements to the structure will be needed. Read More 

5 Signs Your Gutters Need To Be Repaired

One of the ways to keep your home in the best shape is by installing gutters. These will offer several benefits and could be the key to reducing a lot of damage to your property. However, your gutters may become worn out and need repairs over time. This makes it ideal to know specific signs that you may soon need to fix your gutters. 1. Rust spots Seeing spots on your gutters that look like rust is something you may want to address. Read More 

Need To Install A New Roof? Top Reasons To Choose A Slate One

There are many things you'll want your roof to do for you. One of the most important is keeping your home safe during all seasons of the year. However, if you live in an area that's prone to having hurricanes, you'll want to have a secure roof in place. It's a great idea to put a slate roof on your home and learning why this may be ideal can help. Read More 

Shingle Colors For New Homeowners: Why Choosing The Right Color Can Make A Difference

Choosing the correct roofing materials for a home is an important step for new homeowners. In fact, it is often so important that buyers often overlook the importance of choosing a material color. For instance, the color of roofing shingles may not seem to matter much, but choosing the correct color can benefit you in more ways than one. Understanding what those benefits are can help you choose the right color of roofing shingles for your home. Read More